Friday, September 27, 2013

Good works?  Sept. 27, 2013

As I continue to read in Luke 3, we are encouraged, no commanded, to bear good fruit.  The people asked, "What shall we do then?"  He replied, "He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise."  Point 1:  Share with the needy.  What do I have that I can share?
Am I a selfish person?  Do I have a giving attitude?  I think I am a selfish person.  I don't know that go around wondering what I do to help you.  It's more like what can I do make myself look good. Today's goal:  to make others look good.  Smile, encourage, speak nicely about others;  keep my mouth shut when my thoughts don't lift others up.  This is going to be hard.  I have some students that are a real challenge.  Lord, I need your help.  Help me to share with others.  Help me to encourage my students, my coworkers, my husband.  Help me not to be selfish.  Guard my tongue and my thoughts.  May I exalt you in what I think, say, and do.  I can't do it without you, Lord.  

Continuing in Luke 3, the tax collectors asked, "Teacher, what shall we do?"
John's response was, "Collect no more that what is appointed to you."
Point 2:  Be content with what you have been given.  Am I always wanting more? I am not one who wants a bigger house, a newer car, or the latest toy; however, I have been dealing with smaller things lately.  I have been obsessed with looking at watches and rings on the internet.  Not that anything is wrong
with watches and rings.  It's more my attitude of not being content with what I have.  If I dwindle all my money on small unnecessary things, then how can I 
have anything to give those in need?  I don't think have to live like a pauper; but my attitude should be one of using my resources a bit more wisely, so that when opportunity to help others avails itself, I am able to do so.  Lord, help me to have an attitude of gratitude and be thankful for what You have provided for me.  Help me to use those things wisely.  Help me to help others.  Help me to get the focus off me.  Wow, I didn't realize how much I thought about myself.
Dear Lord, help me not to be so selfish.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sept. 26

Do you every just get tired?  I know the Scriptures say to "do all things as unto the Lord," but sometimes I just want to quit.  Do you every feel like that?  What do you do when you feel that way?  I know I can't quit my job.  I have to work, and I know that my job is sent from God, but there are times that I am weak.  I will do my best to put my trust in Christ and use His strength in my life.

September 26, 2013

I was reading in Luke Chapter 3 this morning.  John the Baptist is beginning his ministry, and he is telling the people about baptism of repentance.  He warns his listeners that they are to "bear fruit of repentance" and not to claim that they are saved because they have Abraham as their father.  At first, I just skimmed over verse 8, but even as I write this blog I began to many people rest in the salvation of their parents or grandparents?  Do we think that because our parents are Christians, that we are too?  What does it mean to "bear fruit of repentance?"  What is repentance?  I don't claim to have all the answers, but I am searching.  I am on a journey, as you are.  Just thinking...

Introduction of self

I am a 57 year old teacher.  There's nothing really outstanding about me.  I have a husband who loves to write and a daughter who is married to a wonderful man, and they have two sweet children.  What grandmother would say anything but their grandchildren are sweet?  My grandson, Judah, is 4 and his sister, Mikaela, is 2.  It is wonderful being a grandmother!  I am writing this blog to reflect on life.  If you would like to be a part of this journey, read on...
Thank you for joining me.