Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 3, 2013

What a lousy Christian I am.  When we say, "Jesus is my Lord and Savior,"  what do we really mean?
What do I really mean?  Who is God?  I know I think about weird things, but I often think of God as being one of those "beings" one sees in Star Wars type programs.  The all-knowing "Eye."  It is hard for me to envision a Creator so expansive that the universe itself is His footstool.  How small I am!
Have you ever seen those alien films where the creature from outer space comes to earth and takes over the body of a human?  An example of this is is "Men in Black."  Some giant roach-type creature overtakes the body of a farmer.  I am not equating God with a roach.  Heaven forbid!  I am just think about how we can accept an alien coming to earth to overtake us, but we (I) don't totally understand Christ indwelling us through the Holy Spirit.  Galatians 2:20 says, "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me;  and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."  So, upon salvation I traded my life for His?  I have died.  How come my selfishness keeps raising its ugly head since the Holy Spirit lives in me?  It does give me courage to know that when others see me, they see my Lord.  It gives me comfort to know that when others reject me, they are rejecting the Lord.  My God is big enough to take that kind of rejection.  The balance of man's spirit and the Holy Spirit dwelling in the same body puzzles me.  Unfortunately, I see more of me than I do of Him.  How does one discipline his own soul?  How does one yield to the Holy Spirit?  How does one fight his flesh, his soul, and allow Christ to be the victor?  How does one get to know the God who bigger than the universe?  Why would God
put part of Himself in me?  That's not to say I am God.  I certainly am not.  But He has chosen to work through His people by His indwelling Spirit.  How does one become more like God?  I know the answer is to submit to His Spirit and meditate on His Word.  Why does my natural self not want to
be with my Savior?  Why does my natural self struggle with  the Spirit that lives within me?  Forgive me, Lord, for I certainly fall short of Your glory.  I can do nothing and am nothing without Your Spirit and Your guidance.  Help me to follow You.  Help me love You.  Help me to diminish and allow Your
Spirit to reign in me.  I can't do this without You.

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