Saturday, November 9, 2013


November 9, 2013

Things.  We all need some things.  We all want some things.  What does the Bible say about this?
Is having things wrong?

James 5

1Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! 2Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. 3Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.

Do I judge others by the clothes they wear?  Do I judge others by the jewelry they have?  the cars they drive, the homes they live in?  the school that their children attend?  the brand of the purses they carry? the youthfulness of their skin?  the fitness of their bodies?  the eloquence, or lack thereof, of their speech?  the smell of their perfumes?  the degrees they have earned?

More importantly, do I value myself my these things.  Do I have to have the most stylish clothes?  the most current jewelry?  Recently, I just had to have a new watch.  It wasn't necessary, but I wanted it.  Is that wrong?  No, not in and of itself, it's not.  The watch is beautiful and, yes, I did get it on sale, but will it one day be "corroded"?  Yes, of course it will.  Have you every wanted something really badly.  Longed for it even.  When you finally got it, you just loved it!  But when the first thing went wrong or the first scratch appeared, it lost its allure?  I know I have.  I need to discern between what is necessary and what is desired.  I know that God says He will give us the desires of our hearts.  BUT have I conformed my desires to His desires?  All of us like new and pretty things, but does that give us worth?  I think of Mother Teresa.  She had nothing but the love of Christ to give others.  Who among us would not say that she was rich?  Look at Jesus.  He walked and had no home.  What do we think about about the homeless today?  Would we listen to a homeless man tell us that he and the Father are one?  He didn't go to any fancy schools.  He may not have even gone to school.  Maybe Mary taught Him.  Do we judge homeschooling parents because they choose a different path?  Do I judge people because they don't use the correct tense of a verb with the noun in their sentences?  I have to admit that I have.  Is that person any less valuable in the eyes of God?  What do I value in life? Things will pass away.  How do I want to be remembered?  Do I want to remembered like Mother Teresa or Bill Gates?  Do I want to be remembered for my sacrifice or for my riches?

Now, here comes the hard part.  HOW have I sacrificed for anyone?  Have I?  What have I denied myself in order to meet the needs of another?  I live in a nice home, drive a reasonably new car.  I have food on the table.  My bills get met.  God has provided for all my physical needs.  How am I providing for the needs of others?

Lord, train me to ask myself, "Do I NEED this?"  I can't imagine how much money I have spent unthinkingly that could have helped someone else.  And it's not just about money.  What have I DONE to help someone else?  And the things I have done, would I have done them if I had not gotten acknowledgement for them?  Would I have helped if I were anonymous?   Father God, help me to use the resources you have given me to honor You.  Help me to use these resources to lead others to Christ.  Open my eyes, Lord.  Help me to find my value in You and not in my possessions.

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