Friday, November 8, 2013

November 8, 2013

I am thinking about yesterday.  How was I a friend of the world?  I sat there and listened to a friend
make inappropriate innuendos.  What should I have done?  Should I have gotten up and left?  Yet, I am not without sin.   I made a comment in response that was equally unnecessary.

James says in Chapter 4:11-12 "Do not speak evil of one another, brethren.  He who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother speaks evil of the law and judges the law.  But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge.  There is one Lawgiver, who is able to destroy.  Who are you to judge one another?"

I often mentally judge my friend.  What is the difference between judging and having discernment?   I was definitely wrong to engage in that conversation yesterday, and equally wrong to participate in it.
What should I do next time it happens?  I really should have left the room.  I had the opportunity to do that, but chose not to.  If I couldn't leave, maybe I could try to redirect the conversation in a more positive way.  If that doesn't work, maybe I should just redirect myself.  Read some notes, write to myself, think about something else.  Is it wrong to be rude when someone is persistent in their conversation?  It's easy to be pious and say, "No, walk away."  Is that always the loving thing to do?  I don't really know, but I do know that the Holy Spirit is allowing me to recognize my part in the sin.  I am accountable for my sin.  I must first take the log out of my own eye before reaching for the splinter in another's.

Watching certain tv programs is just inviting the world into your living room.  I was more aware of what was on the television yesterday; however, I allowed certain programs to fill my environment even though I knew they were not edifying.  I tried to close my mind to the broadcast.  Why didn't I just turn the tv off?  Laziness.  I don't have a remote, and I was too lazy to get up and turn off the tv.
Nothing like compounding sin upon sin, is there?  I have got to realize that this world is not my home.
I did nothing to increase my fellowship with God yesterday.

Dear Lord, please help me to want to be with You.  Thank You for making me more aware of my shortcomings.  Help me to change.  Help me to be more like You.  Help me to want to be more like You.  Help me today, dear Father.  Guard my tongue.  Protect my ears.  Shield my mind.  Give me wisdom and discernment.  Help me to love others.  Help me to edify.   Thank You, dear Jesus, for loving me so much that You have allowed me to be Your child.  Thank You for Your sacrifice on the cross for my sins.  I cannot imagine the sorrow you must have felt.

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